Central Missouri Child Advocacy Center
Reliable systems allow sensitive material to remain documented and secure.

Problem: Needed better solution to record, store, and facilitate sensitive interviews.
Solution: Custom-engineered solution delivers reliability and privacy.
When child abuse is suspected in a local family, they receive help at Rainbow House, a regional Child Advocacy Center. Mid-Missouri CAC is a safe, child-focused environment where children can speak with a trained interviewer, and receive services from a multidisciplinary team including law enforcement, medical and mental health professionals, prosecutors, and other professionals. Families also work with specially trained advocates who link them to necessary services to aid in healing and recovery.
In 2009, Mid-Missouri CAC reached out to us seeking a better solution to record, store, and facilitate highly-sensitive interviews. We took this task very seriously and knew an “out-of-the-box” solution wouldn’t be able to accommodate their full list of unique needs. So we went to work designing and carefully engineering a complete interview system with the latest technology available at the time.
Since that initial installation, the system has run successfully without outages, and has been continually upgraded to reflect the latest technology, so Mid-Missouri CAC always has a reliable, and state-of-the-art recording system.
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