Break Time Stores Missouri
Outsourcing security surveillance helps operations thrive.

Problem: Internal resources were taxed due to significant growth.
Solution: Partnered with Sound Solutions for a comprehensive, outside solution.
In 1981, MFA Oil entered the convenience store business by acquiring their first Break Time store in Columbia, MO. Just four years later, they purchased Mid-State Oil Company and expanded to 40 stores. By 1998, Break Time was in full growth mode with the demand for security surveillance throughout their locations growing as well. They determined it would be better to offload this service, so they could allocate existing resources elsewhere and better utilize their peoples’ skills.

This is when Sound Solutions suggested a partnership that would allow Break Time to focus on their store operations, while we served as their surveillance experts, ensuring the best technology, reliability, and ROI.
We have now served Break Time for more than 25 years and consider them family. This partnership reminds us that relationships are more important than profits – and that all service should be delivered from a position that values right outcomes for all.
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